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Doofus Art… Part XIX



The continuing art adventures of Doofus and the Duck and their Company of players, as created by my wonderful wife Emma during the never-ending time of COVID-19 pandemic continuing now for a third year into 2022. This is the nineteenth installment of works, the Company remaining at the height of their creative endeavors.

Without further ado, back to the Doofus and the Duck…

February 2022 (cont.)

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the 307th anniversary of the French Enlightenment engraver and art critic Charles-Nicolas Cochin le Jeune, their tableau of a painting by French post-Impressionist Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin created when he visited another famous artist in the city of Arles, entitled “The Painter of Sunflowers (Portrait of Vincent van Gogh) (1888),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as the World-Famous Dutch Artist who signed himself only as “Vincent;” and featuring The Little People of the Company as Sunflowers

At last! What a beautiful rendition of a rather slap-dash piece of work by Gaugin. Outstanding!

Doofus and the Duck present, in memory of the lost souls trapped in the Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine and as part of their on-going series of solo works, their tableau of a painting by Russian Romantic Nationalist painter Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov, entitled “A Knight at the Crossroads (1878),” starring Shaun the Sheep as the Epic Kievan Rus bogatyr Ilya Murometz, Defender of the Rus from many attacks by Steppe Invaders; and featuring the Boxer the Stuffed Clydesdale as A Mighty Steed, the Little Sheep as The Raven of Death, and Trevor the Trilobite as the Allegory of Mortality

A wonderfully evocative, moving, and timely effort from the Company. Mr the Sheep and Boxer are utterly convincing and it is wonderful to see Trevor the Trilobite doing what it does best. Outstanding!

Doofus and the Duck present, in recognition of the on-going Russian invasion of the Ukraine and in memory of the 120 anniversary of the death of the Australian soldier Harry “Breaker” Morant who was executed for war crimes, their tableau of one of the last works by Swiss-born German painter Paul Klee, an expressionist work, entitled “Tod und Feuer (Death and Fire) (1940),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as The Death Dude; and featuring Red Doofus as The Figure, and the Little Sheep as Yellow Oh

An outstanding attempt by the Company at a difficult work. The ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot is clearly tying itself in knots attempting to create the “ToD” of the figure, whilst the Little Sheep and Red Doofus are more restrained in their parts, if no less effective. And a beautifully rendered palette! Exceptional!

March 2022

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the Christian observance known as variously as Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, their tableau of a work by the great 17th Century Master of Dutch Genre painting Jan Havickszoon Steen, entitled “The Pancake Woman (1661-1669),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as Saskia van Lievens an Old Woman Down on her Luck; featuring the Purple Hippo as A Young’un Wanting a Tasty Snack; and introducing Blue Doofus as The Skeptical Grandpapa

Another wonderful Dutch Golden Age genre scene beautifully recreated by the Company, capturing the humour and pathos that Steen so often depicted. Wonderful acting combined with artful set design make this a standout tableau. Exquisite!

Doofus and the Duck present, in recognition of the on-going presence of an East Coast Low currently drenching the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales, their tableau of a coloured woodcut by a Japanese master of ukiyo-e Utagawa Kuniyoshi depicting the 13th century Shinto priest Nichiren standing on the promontory of Reisan in Kamakura, entitled “Prayer for Rain Answered (1835),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as Kunisada Toro, a devout Acolyte with an Umbrella; and featuring Blue Doofus as The Famous Priest Nichiren

A quite amazing rendition of the a sophisticated Japanese woodcut. Outstanding!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour and celebration of the 43rd annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival occurring this rainy night in the Company’s home town, their tableau of a mature work by French Post-Impressionist Master Paul Cézanne, entitled “Mardi Gras (Pierrot et Arlequin) (1888),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as that Great Commedia dell’arte Broken Hearted Lover Pierrot; also starring Shaun the Sheep as the Light Hearted Lover, Harlequin

An exquisite performance by two superb actors. Simple, delightful, wonderful!

Doofus and the Duck present, in celebration of the recent global holiday that is International Women’s Day and in Honour of the Brave People of Ukraine currently being Assaulted by Russian Invaders, their tableau of a painting by 20th Century Ukranian self-taught folk artist Maria Oksentiyivna Prymachenko, entitled “May I Give this Ukrainian Bread to all the People in this Big Wide World (1982),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as A Metaphor for All Ukranian Women; and featuring The Company as Glorious Sunflowers

Speechless. A delight from all perspectives!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the 146th anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell making the first test telephone call thus ushering in The Interwebs and as part of their on-going series of solo works, their tableau of a self-portrait by 20th Century Belgian Surrealist artist René François Ghislain Magritte, entitled “La Clairvoyance (1936),” starring Shaun the Sheep as The Artist Simply Known as Magritte; and featuring the Little Sheep as The Sheep-Bat

Another excellent modern work by the Company who continue to impress with their ability to recreate this type of work. Superb!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the 241st anniversary of German-born British astronomer William Herschel discovering the planet Uranus and as part of their on-going series of solo works, their tableau of a painting by 19th German master of Romantic Biedermeier-era Carl Spitzweg, entitled Gnom, Eisenbahn betrachtend (Gnome Watching Railway Train) (1848)," starring the Purple Hippo as Bilbo Trollbane, Lord of the Gnomes

What a fascinating and delightful re-imagining of one of Spitzberg’s wittier works. Especially wonderful work from the Scenery Dept who have managed to capture the wooden “cave” of the original in such vivid detail. And, in parting, we suggest that the Purple Hippo not listen so intently to the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot when it comes to picking stage names. In this instance we can’t help but think there was a certain amount of leg-pulling going on…

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the International Thespian Appreciation Day, their tableau of a work by the Dutch master of genre painting, Jan Havickszoon Steen, depicting his good friends of the Leiden Rederijkers, entitled “Rhetoricians at a Window (1658-65),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as The Witty and Insightful Critic, and Shaun the Sheep as The Glorious Orator; and featuring the Purple Hippo as The Jolly Japester; and the Little Sheep and China Baby as Appreciative Audience

Another Steen, and once more we are delighted! Truly an instant classic from The Company!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the brave people of the Ukraine in their on-going resistance to Russian aggression and in celebration of World Storytelling Day, their tableau of a painting by Russian abstract artist Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky, entitled “The Great Gates of Kyiv (1928).”


Doofus and the Duck present, in memory of the 247th anniversary of English revolutionary Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death!” speech to the Virginia General Assembly and as part of the Company’s on-going series of iconic book illustrations, their tableau of an illustration by 19th Century English artist Sidney Edward Paget, first published in The Strand, entitled “The Death of Sherlock Holmes (1893),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as the Brave, Daring, and Incomparable Detective, Sherlock Holmes

A beautiful depiction of Holmes’ death at the Reichenbach Falls, with the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot putting its heart into Holmes (once more) and Doofus perfect as Holmes’ nemesis Moriarty. Wonderful work from the Scenery Department in creating the set. Fantastic!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the birthday of one of the Company’s earliest supporters and as part of their on-going series of iconic movie posters, their tableau of the theatrical release poster for the John Badham/Robert Stigwood disco dance drama, entitled “Saturday Night Fever (1977),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as The King of the Disco Dance Floor, Johnny T; and featuring the Purple Hippo as The Dancing Queen

A lovely interpretation with excellent work from both the Costuming and Production Departments. Very fine!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the 155th anniversary of Queen Victoria (Queen of All…etc.) giving Assent to the British North American Act which would establish Canada, their tableau of a marginal drawing from the oldest surviving Sephardi bible known as the Cervera Bible and now in the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, illustrated by “Joseph the Frenchman,” entitled “Jonah and the Whale [detail of Folio 304r] (1299-1300),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as The Mighty and Ravenous Whale Fish; with the Purple Hippo as The Dread and Fearful Prophet Jonah; and featuring the Little Sheep and Various Gargoyles as The Lamentable Crew

Another complete delight, with excellent and convincing work by the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as the whale-fish. Superb!

April 2022

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of Sydney breaking the all-time record for the amount of rain falling in the month of March (with more to come!) and as part of the Company’s on-going series of solo works, their tableau of a theatrical release poster for directed and choreographed Gene Kelly and Stan Donen, Arthur Freed/Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer produced musical romantic comedy film, entitled “Singin’ in the Rain (1952),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as the Charismatic and Energetic Master Dancer, Mr Gene Kelly

Outstanding work from ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot! Stunning!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the 301st anniversary of Robert Walpole assuming the (unwanted) mantle of Prime Minister of Great Britain and as part of their on-going series of solo works, their tableau of the most successful work by British turn-of-the-century Academian William Henry Margetson, currently hanging in the NSW State Art Gallery (Sydney), entitled “The Sea Hath Its Pearls (1897).”

Lovely work from Doofus, though somewhat wasted on this work from an artist who appeared to specialise in such sexist, albeit popular, drivel.

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the on-going struggles of the Peoples of the Ukraine against the Ravages of the New Russian Tzar and in memory of the 780th anniversary of the Grand Prince of Kyiv, Alexander Nevsky, beating back the invaders during the Battle of the Ice, their tableau of a painting by dissident 20th Soviet artist and member of the Ukranian Sixtiers movement Halyna Sylvestrivna Sevruk, entitled “Broken Wings (1967),” starring Shaun the Sheep as The Enigmatic Man

What commitment by the Duck in this work, once again showing us just how subtle and versatile and actor can be. Beautifully done!

Doofus and the Duck present, in honour of the 351st anniversay of Jean-Baptiste Rousseau’s birth and in recognition of Sydney (Australia) having surpassed its mean annual rainfall within the first four months of the year, their tableau of a painting by French Impressionist master Pierre-Auguste Renoir, entitled “Les Parapluies (The Umbrellas) (1880-86),” starring the ABC Interpretive Dance Bandicoot as Margot Bonhomme, A Loving Parisian Mother; and featuring the Purple Hippo as Marie-France, A Playful Girl with a Hoop

A wonderful ensemble piece by the Company, once again showing how deftly they can play the Impressionists. Outstanding!
