archsys webification installation

Various Stuff


This page contains various music related stuff I’ve worked on, including scores by various authors, not jazz related.

Vaccai’s Practical Method

Over the years I’ve been singing, Nicola Vaccai’s Methodo Practico di Canto Italiano per Camera (1832) or Vaccai’s Practical Method for short, has proven an invaluable companion to my singing. So much so that I’ve created my own edition (twice now). This time around I’m releasing the work under the Creative Commons Licence (BY-SA 4.0) for all to use and modify.

The book has been created using the fabulous LilyPond music engraving program (version 2.22.2) however the completed book is here if you are interested in simply the end result, as are the MIDI files.

Being a Tenor, I have made this edition suitable for high voices. At this stage you need to modify the source file “bookparts.ily” to add a transpose, or to the individual files on an as-needed basis.

(NB: I’ve uploaded the MIDI and sources files as compressed archives (tar -czf) so they will need to be uncompressed to be useful. If you want to build the system you will also need to have the ruby build utility rake installed on your system somewhere.)

D’Indy’s Orfeo

Vincent d’Indy was a French composer and influential teacher, born in 1851, living and working in Paris until his death in 1931. He studied under César Franck, met with Brahms and Liszt on a trip early in his career, and was a big fan of Wagner. Noted as more for encouraging technique over originality he none the less was capable of creating some beautiful music.

One of the pieces he re-imagined was Claudio Monteverdi’s Orfeo. Monteverdi had been rediscovered in the 1880s by German musicologists and later drew the interest of many others, some of who, like D’Indy, wanted to make the work more accessible for “modern” audience.

A copy of the piano reduction of Orfeo can be found on this site

The original copy can be found here: Gallica

SASS music

Some of the music used during my Sydney Art Song Society performances (I sing tenor so these are settings for medium-high voice). Mostly these are my own editions. If there is any interest I’ll make the Lilypond files available as well (please email for details)
